· Legal Mentions ·
Melissa Deer is the author and editor of this website and all of its content (unless otherwise stated) under the body of work Sovereign · Planet ("I", "me", "my").
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· Intellectual Property ·
I believe in everybody's Right to Information and the sharing of such information in a free and sovereign manner. Like so, all information on the Sovereign · Planet website is shared as open source, that is to say it is free of copyright and everybody is allowed to freely share and use this content, so long the original article or page that is shared is mentioned, even if modifications were made.
Sovereign · Planet website is shared under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license, that is to say:
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Sacred Sciences and Ascension Mechanisms are of Divine Nature and as such do not belong to any specific being, but to all at once.
· Personal data use ·
The information I collect come from the Newsletter subscription page (https://www.sovereign-planet.com/newsletter), and are the name and email address filed to the subscription form so as to receive the newsletter via email. These datas are used solely for the purpose of keeping you up to date with new content published on the website or possible online or physical events organised (group meditations, web conferences, website upgrades, meetings...). They (the datas) are withheld for the entire time of your subscription and will be suppressed as/if you cancel said subscription. You can cancel at anytime via the "unsubscribe" button at the bottom of each one of these emails.
I use the Wix integrated ShoutOut app for sending such emails as well as holding records of your datas. You can request and/or suppress all collected datas upon request either by sending me an email through the contact page of the website or at melissa.sovereign.planet@gmail.com; and I will remove any Personal Information about any individual from the servers at their request - unless it is prohibited by law.
Google Analytics.
I use Google Analytics so as to better understand how the website is being used. Therefore I have access to informations such as the amount of people visiting the website, the IP address, the geolocation and the type of devices used. This enables me to understand what might be required for the website to remain functional and enjoyable to use depending on the devices the most used; as well as for security reasons, to be able to identify and block IP address in case of hacking of the website, or inappropriate comments left in the eventual comment sections.
What is Sovereign · Planet and what is my intention?
Sovereign · Planet is the body of work created and/or gathered - when stated - by me, Melissa Deer. My intention with this website is to share what I deem crucial Information to whoever wishes to read and/or watch.
Sovereign · Planet is about reclaiming the right to enjoy our planet Earth in Peace and Harmony for all, through Knowledge and Information, through Spiritual Awakening as well as a new Multidimensional Understanding of our Environment, of our Selves and of the Universe.
Sovereign · Planet is not involved in any way with no religion, nor sect; and aims at sharing keys for individuals to recover their own Sovereignty and Freedom, who may integrate this Information at their own pace and in their own understanding - keeping what resonates with them and discarding the rest.
We are collectively experiencing great times of changes, and it is time we also change the way we process information and the way we see and understand our World.
It is with great Reverence that I thank and salute you for being a Truth Seeker.
With Love,
Melissa 🐋
When browsing this website you accept the general terms of use and privacy policy. I reserve the right to modify them at any given time. Last updated on October, 25th 2018.